Best Passive Income Ideas And side hustles for Architects


Architecture is a demanding discipline, professionally and to study. You may want to earn extra by setting up a side hustle or passive income.

Thankfully the internet exists and it has a whopping eCommerce that even architects and architecture students can tap into to earn a passive income.

Here are some fantastic side hustles for architects and a list of the best places online to start an easy passive income. Keep reading to jump on the eCommerce express 👇

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What is a Passive Income?

A passive income is a stream of revenue created with little effort and upkeep.

What is a Side Hustle?

A side hustle is a secondary source of income earned part-time usually utilising another skill or hobby

Passive Income Ideas and Side Hustles for Architects

1. Create Online Architecture Courses


There is a huge range of online architecture courses, from basic drawing techniques to rendering and CAD tutorials. Alternatively, you may develop a website to discuss specific architectural topics in a specific area of your online architecture course.

1.1 Where to Sell Online Architecture Courses

Your courses can then be sold on different learning portals including Lynda, Udemy, Coursera Brightstorm, Udacity or Skillshare. Research the competition and try to create a unique online architecture course.

Visit our courses page to find discounts on online architecture courses!

2. Start a YouTube Channel

@youtube - Show It Better

Even though this might sound intimidating and hard, it's actually quite easy to start and operate. The key is to always produce content that is beneficial to your audience.

If there is a niche area or topic of architecture you are passionate about, this would help create a unique architecture youtube channel and be an ideal starting point to get creating video tutorials.

2.1 Examples of Architecture YouTube Channels

Successful architectural YouTube channels always provide informative videos to their audience.

Aquri9 and Show It Better are two examples of popular architecture visualisation youtube channels posting video tutorials on Photoshop rendering and various other graphic and architecture software.

2.2 How do Architecture YouTube Channels Earn Income?

YouTubers including architecture YouTubers can make money by advertising through Google ads. You can make cash through advertising, affiliates, and sponsorships.

3. Write an E-book

There is no start-up cost in writing your own e-book. This can be enjoyable if your e-book is related to an architecture topic you have mastered or are interested in researching. Popular architecture e-books include tutorials in architecture sketching, graphic representation and how to design architecture. This can be a slow burner however what can help production is recycling content you have already created from different formats into book form. For example, a video tutorial you created for YouTube can be reformatted into a page-by-page tutorial.

4. Sell 3D Architecture Models Online

TurboSquid is a digital marketplace selling 3D models including architecture and interior design models.

You have probably modelled up bespoke architecture assets for your projects such as; buildings, details, street furniture, and interior furniture. Why not create a TurboSquid account and upload your 3D models for a fee per download?

5. Sell Digital Architecture Assets Online

Another digital marketplace is Gumroad, on this platform you are able to sell all types of digital products, not just 3D models. Some architecture assets available on Gumroad are; textures, materials, PSDs, 3D models to name a few. Could be another passive income source..?

5.1 Where to Sell Digital Architecture Assets Online

TurboSquid and Gumroad are great examples of passive income streams. Because once uploaded no maintenance is needed. Also, as it’s digital products you will be selling, they have infinite downloads at no reproduction cost.

6. Sell Freelance Design Services Online


Online Freelancing leans more towards being an architecture side hustle as it is selling your design services alongside your day job. However, selling design services online allows the flexibility to pick and choose your jobs and is a great way to earn passive income.

6.1 Where to Sell Freelance Design Services

Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services. There you are able to sell your skills for architectural rendering, illustrations, 3D modelling, 2D drawings.

6.2 Advantages of Selling Freelance Design Services Online

An advantage of advertising freelance services on Fiverr is people who are seeking these services visit the site to employ someone. Effectively clients come to you rather than you looking for work. Saving you time therefore I thought to include it as an online passive income.

6.3 Disadvantages of Selling Freelance Design Services Online

There is a lot of competition on Fiverr. However, this can play to your advantage as you can see in the example work of the competition. How many reviews and rankings an individual have for a service and prices advertised.

For you to start in the best way, find the most reviewed and highest-ranking person for your particular service. Set a competitive price and use the best style/quality of their example work in yours. 

7. Create Graphic Architecture Wall Art


Bit of a wildcard suggestion – I am sure you’ve seen stylised drawings of famous cities and iconic buildings being advertised as framed prints or on canvas. With your skills how easy would that be? Just sayin’ – check out what people are selling them for on Esty

8. Start an Architecture Blog

Architecture blogs can host a wide range of revenue streams such as Google ads, affiliate marketing, selling online architecture courses etc. However be prepared to invest 1000s of hours creating content before you see a return, trust me!

8.1 Obstacles of Starting an Architecture Blog

What separates building your own platform such as an architecture blog from using a platform from the above is you have to generate your web traffic from scratch. Where traffic already exists on a platforms such as Gumroad. As well as competing with well-established websites as opposed to joining a large website.

8.2 Benefits of Starting an Architecture Blog

If your architecture blog is successful, running a blog is very rewarding and can be a great income stream, just know there might be quicker ways to make a passive income or side hustle.

9. Freelance CAD Drawings

CAD work is a common side hustle for architects as using CAD is second nature to architects and drafting floor plans etc into CAD is desirable for design development and planning applications.

9.1 Freelance CAD Drawings Must Knows

However, there are a couple of things you must know before you start taking on freelance work as a side hustle.

You need to make it clear your architecture drawings are only for the above purposes. If the project is to progress, technical development will need to be carried out by a specialist.

The reason for these measures is without being a chartered architect or employed you don’t have any protection from an institution or an architecture practice. Leaving you potentially liable if anything goes wrong with the project further down the line.

9.2 How to Start Freelance CAD Drawings

A good start to help cover your tracks is to be clear in the brief no technical or building work will be carried out using your architecture drawings.

You can also caveat all your drawings with notes stating ‘spatial drawings only’ or ‘no dimensions to be taken from this drawing’ for example. Notes like these show your drawings are only for design purposes and more detailed drawings are needed if the project progresses. 

10. Freelance Design work

Don’t bite off more than you can chew, stick to small projects such as ground-floor house extensions for a private client. Side hustles like this are simple projects and consult your Architects Pocket Book to ensure you are using standard sizes, heights and wall thicknesses.

Designing with basic build principles will ensure you are giving your client a meaningful design with buildability and an accurate envision of the final product.

You can also turn over micro-projects in fast time and become officiant designing them the more you do and with templates saved up.  

11. CGI renders

A lucrative side hustle for architects to make money is by providing a 3D rendering service. There is a big demand for CGIs (renders) from the construction industry.

To market yourself with no cost, you could set up an Instagram with your CGI portfolio and contact architecture practices, property developers, estate agents and interior designers on that platform.

Photorealistic is probably the most sought-after style of CGI. However, I would say advertise your work with a unique artistic flair to stand out from the crowd!

If you start taking on regular CAD/CGI work it might be worth looking into some professional indemnity insurance. It is mega cheap and adds some extra protection.

12. Apparel Designer - Architectural themed clothing

With the use of online selling platforms such as Etsy and drop ship companies, selling architecture merchandise online is becoming an increasingly popular side hustle and potentially a full revenue stream for architects.

Architects have a good eye for graphic design and there is a market for architectural clothing within the e-commerce marketplace. Create a collection of clothing that features architectural artwork and graphics.

FAQs Relating to Passive Income Ideas and Side Hustles for Architects

Why Passive Income for Architects?

An architect’s income varies due to a variety of factors. Some ways an architect is able to increase their income is by pursuing higher profile clients and larger projects. Architects are multi skilled and could offer other services such as surveying or interior design. Furthermore, architects could create a passive income stream by selling e-commerce products only such as ebooks and video tutorials.  


What is passive income for architects?

Passive income for architects refers to earning additional revenue from sources that require little upkeep related to the industry of architecture. For example, popular passive incomes for architects include; downloadable assets and ebooks, online tutorials and digital and print-on-demand art. 


Why is Passive Income so Important for your Financial Future?

Passive incomes help secure your financial future as it provides a steady stream of income that is independent from your main career. Diversifying your income can help achieve financial freedom and grow wealth.


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