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Benefits of Studying A Masters in Architecture

🍊 Introduction

Architecture is such a versatile subject, there are many avenues to explore with different career opportunities other than the traditional architect.

If you are a graduate or current student of architecture, who wants to pursue an alternative career path in architecture or otherwise. You might be asking yourself, is it worth getting a masters in architecture?

This article will tell you the all-important facts and benefits of studying for a masters in architecture regardless of where architecture takes you in your dazzling career!

🍊 Benefits:

More employable Higher salary Working with link minded people Challenging and rewarding Creative environment Learning advanced skills 2 more years of uni! Higher academic achievement

Keep reading if you have asked what can I do with a masters in architecture πŸ‘‡

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🍊 Better prospects and opportunities

Consider these benefits why postgrad is a great idea even though you may not want to become a traditional architect.

It is generally observed the more education you have, the more employable and higher-paid you will be.

In fact, according to Findamasters, postgraduates (across all subjects) are 7 per cent more likely to find full-time employment than graduates with only a Bachelor’s degree.

Couple that with average salaries of postgrads is £8,000 higher than their undergraduate counterparts states The Institute of Student Employers - not too shabby at all! It is safe to assume a master of architecture salary applies to a higher average too.

These potential prospects alone are compelling enough to pursue a post-grad life. Giving yourself the best chance of landing that dream job and salary!

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🍊 Still on the fence? Keep reading to find out more benefits

As you know already studying architecture is extremely rewarding and validating. So, just wanting to extend that experience is as good a reason as the above. Plus, you get an additional 2 years of working with like-minded people in an environment that is truly unique.

I can tell you from personal experience that getting a masters in architecture is an enriching and eye-opening experience. Now that you have some architectural knowledge and the skills to create some awesome architecture! I am sure you’ve looked back at your projects and said β€˜If I could do it again…’ Well… you can.

Often in an academic field the more education you have the more weight your scholarly opinion may carry. Something to consider if you are looking to have a career as an architectural designer or in one of architectures any niches such as an architectural historian, writer, consultant, technician.

🍊 Conclusion

Why get a masters in architecture? Ask yourself, did you just learn architecture at architecture school? Or did you also learn a vast quantity of other skills too? Design and life orientated? Exactly, so why deny yourself that opportunity to refine those skills. All because becoming a traditional architect might not be your top objective.

Your career path will be long and winding and may change directions many times through your own decisions or external forces. Equip yourself as best you can for every outcome by continuing your studies in a creative and challenging subject such as architecture.

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