How to have a Healthy Lifestyle at Architecture School and the Benefits.

 4:30 min read time.

It is so easy for an architecture student to slip into a cycle of no sleep, bad diet and no exercise. Architecture schools have a profound influence on making you believe that you must work perilously to succeed. An architecture student's daily routine should be a healthy one. Remember you are allowed to rest, working 24/7 doesn’t mean you are being successful.


‘Don’t waste your time and let your health suffer on garbage drawings spawned from half-baked ideas. Instead, you should be recovering to feel energised for the next day.’

Said every former architecture student everywhere.

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👇 Follow these guidelines to maintain a healthy lifestyle at architecture school.

What is it like at architecture school?

Architecture schools are a hub of creativity and learning, students are challenged and develop the important skills necessary to design.

I would encourage anyone to study architecture at university. However, I would also strongly encourage a new student to be wise of the unhealthy habits and work ethics often prominent within architecture school. 

What are these unhealthy habits most architecture students fall into the trap of?

You will most likely hear the term ‘all-nighter’ or ‘no sleep lifestyle’ during your time studying architecture. The act of working through the night, disregarding much-needed sleep, not eating properly, socialising or rest and not exercising. All sacrificed for the good of your architecture project.   


Why does the all-nighter culture exist in architecture school?

  1. This all-nighter culture manifests from seemly unrealistic workloads from multiple modules with deadlines colliding at once.

  2. Peer-to-peer competition is another factor. You work closely with your studio peers, and you see how many drawings they produce, which can make you feel like you are failing.

  3. Couple that feeling with the fact there is always a review on the horizon. A presentation of your project and how it has progressed since the last review.

The temptation to work non-stop can feel like the only option an architecture student has to succeed or even survive. I am here to tell you this is incorrect and show you how to be fully productive with a healthy lifestyle at architecture school.


Why all-nighters and unhealthy habits are counterproductive for studying architecture?

It is simple really; you already know why depriving yourself of a good night's sleep is counterproductive.  Your body and mind tell you your energy levels are low; you cannot think clearly. How this is directly related to architecture is you will not be making informed decisions about your project or drawings. You may spend all night labouring away on a drawing that has no benefit to your project.


Why a balanced diet is important for productivity?

heart share healthy food

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No, this doesn’t include a Tesco meal deal even if you choose a smoothie. In addition to regular sleep, a healthy diet is essential in keeping your mind and body running at their full potential. Eating only junk or fast-food causes fatigue among other health issues. Plus those easy meal deals and pastries are expensive. Don’t be lazy get into the habit of making a packed lunch and take a flask. 

Why does exercise improve productivity?

Regular exercise in any capacity lowers fatigue, raises energy levels and increases your brain activity. It is also a successful output for stress relief and mood booster, all of which will have a positive impact on your productivity and experience at architecture school.

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 Guidelines to take away for a healthy lifestyle at architecture school:

  • Stick to normal working hours

  • Pencils down in the evening.

  • Have an appropriate bedtime.

  • Regular exercise.

  • Balanced diet.

  • Plan your next day


Example of my daily routine at architecture school back in the day:



I can personally attest to the benefits of having a regular routine of sleeping well, healthy eating and regular exercise. A healthy lifestyle at architecture school will help you stay positive and productive. Produce your best work during the day when you are alert and making the right decisions. The drawings you produced beyond the working day are likely to be garbage, informed by a burnt-out brain and of low quality.

Useful links to learn more:

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